Friday, November 29, 2013

KIDBLOG:  Upload a draft of one of your poems.  Next go to the blog 2 people below you and give them descriptive feedback use the success criteria as a guide.

SCIENCE BLOG:  Review the videos and respond to guiding questions

*  Work on your popplet on forms of literature
*  timetoast in now past due

CEDARVALE:  research is now past due

Sign into your email account and accept the very first wiki invitation so that you are prepared for Monday's Class.

Have a great weekend :o)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Tomorrow is our bowling trip, remember to bring a lunch.  All parent volunteers need to be at school for 10:00 am.

Tonight is a Catch Up Night
Using our literature chart- create a popplet showing the relationship between all the elements (
Identify the text features of the following text forms:
*  folktale, fable, myth, legend, fantasy, science fiction, realistic fiction, historical fiction, fictionalized biography, authentic biography, memoir, autobiography

Biography- create a timetoast timeline of your Canadian War Hero- Past Due

VOICETHREAD- Upload your duck poem to VT and give feedback to 3 peers.

KIDBLOG:   Grade 5-Read over a second biography and respond by comparing/constrasting and analyzing the biography.

5- U6 L4 #1-5
6- U6 L2 #7- Reflect

ENERGY:  Sign into your wiki and accept the invitation into your energy science wiki ensure that you only use your first name when asked to give a username

Over the next 5 days collect resources on your form of energy.  So that you can start the research process.  

CEDARVALE DEBATE:  finalize your research for tomorrow

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Using our literature chart- create a popplet showing the relationship between all the elements (

Biography- create a timetoast timeline of your Canadian War Hero- Due Thursday

VOICETHREAD- Upload your duck poem to VT and give feedback to 3 peers.

KIDBLOG:   Grade 5-Read over a second biography and respond by comparing/constrasting and analyzing the biography.

5- U6 L4 #1-5
6- U6 L2 #7- Reflect

ENERGY:  Sign into your wiki and accept the invitation into your energy science wiki ensure that you only use your first name when asked to give a username

Over the next 5 days collect resources on your form of energy.  So that you can start the research process.  

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

SCIENCE:  Share your thoughts in padlet: What do you think you know about energy?

Using our literature chart- create a popplet showing the relationship between all the elements (

Biography- create a timetoast timeline of your Canadian War Hero

VOICETHREAD- Upload your duck poem to VT and give feedback to 3 peers.

KIDBLOG:   Read over one biography and respond by comparing/constrasting and analyzing the biography.

Monday, November 25, 2013

VOICETHREAD- Upload Local Action Poem to Voicethread.  Give feedback to 2 new students afterwards implement the feedback onto your poem in another colour

6- Math Entrance Pass

1.  Upload Biography to Kidblog
     Then read over one other biography-respond to the biography
       Consider the following:
       *  Compare and/or contrast your war hero to the one you read
       *  Analyze the impact the war hero had on Canada
2.  Grade 6- Create a timeline on your Canadian War hero.

5-  Finalize your research in your chosen perspective (for the mall development in your community or against the mall development in your community)

6-  Past Due- Finalize your jot notes

Friday, November 22, 2013

VOICETHREAD- Upload Local Action Poem to Voicethread.  Then throughout the weekend give descriptive feedback to three of your peers.

5- U9 SWYK #1 2 3 4 7 8
6- Math Entrance Pass

1.  Upload Biography to Kidblog
2.  Grade 6- Create a timeline on your Canadian War hero.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

BIOGRAPHY:  Upload your War Hero Biography onto Kidblog for Monday

5- Organize and label on lesson for Unit 9 in your book so that you can easily locate it when it comes time to share your work.  Use the blog as a resource to find out all lessons that were covered in this unit.

6: Math Entrance Pass

POEM:  Write a poem on your local action

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wow what a fantastic day of collaborating and creating a PSA on our local action.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Grade 5- Review the social studies blog- analyze the questions then agree/disagree and/or extend on each others thinking.  If there are any misconceptions use the blog as a way to help facilitate your learning together.  Each member of the grade 5 community needs to read and evaluate the discussion questions then bump up all responses.

5- U6 L2 #4-REFLECT
6- Bump up and give yourself on star and wish on your previous collaborative math tasks, then complete tonights entrance pass.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tomorrow is our trip to the Apple Store, please remember the following:
1.  Bring a lunch
2.  Bring your USB Key
3.  Dress appropriate for the weather

Tomorrow is going to be a great day you creating and evaluating your local action.  

5- U6 L2 #1-4
6- Entrance Pass

BIOGRAPHY:  Finalize the good copy of your biography on a Canadian WAr Hero

SCIENCE:  Grade 6-Cedarvale Debate- research your perspective that you started today-

SOCIAL STUDIES: Grade 5- Review the social studies blog- analyze the questions then agree/disagree and/or extend on each others thinking.  If there are any misconceptions use the blog as a way to help facilitate your learning together.  Each member of the grade 5 community needs to read and evaluate the discussion questions then bump up all responses.

Monday, November 18, 2013

LOCAL ACTION (Finalize all Planning- Including downloading Pictures)
*  Ensure that your storyboard is completed for Monday so that we are prepared for Wednesday's Trip

What is my issue?

Why does it concern

Why does it concern

Why is it an issue?
 Action Plan
 Action Plan
 Action Plan
Why do you care about the issue?

*  In your planning boxes include the following:
    -  pictures, graph, maps

*  On the line below the boxes include the following:
    will you be.....
    - using a voice recording (VR)
    - using a video recording (ViR)
    - using text (T)

5- U6 L1 #1- Reflect
6- U6 L2 #1-5

SCIENCE:  Grade 6-Cedarvale Debate- research your perspective that you started today-

SOCIAL STUDIES: Grade 5- Review the social studies blog- analyze the questions then agree/disagree and/or extend on each others thinking.  If there are any misconceptions use the blog as a way to help facilitate your learning together.  Each member of the grade 5 community needs to read and evaluate the discussion questions then bump up all responses.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today is parent teacher interview, we welcome all parents and guardian into our room to discuss the classroom program and the progress we have made.

During the weekend consider the following to ensure that you continue to be successful this term:
*  Daily reading at home and at school
*  Task completion both online and paper/pencil and at school and at home
*  Self Advocating for yourself as a learner
*  Being a contributing and active member of our class community
*  Contributing member of your own learning and the learning of others

*  Ensure that your storyboard is completed for Monday so that we are prepared for Wednesday's Trip

What is my issue?

Why does it concern

Why does it concern

Why is it an issue?
 Action Plan
 Action Plan
 Action Plan
Why do you care about the issue?

*  In your planning boxes include the following:
    -  pictures, graph, maps

*  On the line below the boxes include the following:
    will you be.....
    - using a voice recording (VR)
    - using a video recording (ViR)
    - using text (T)

MATH:  Entrance Pass-  learning goal-  using concepts of area and/or perimeter evaluate how Isabella can add ribbon and display board on a bulletin board.

SCIENCE:  Grade 6-Cedarvale Debate- research your perspective that you started today

SOCIAL STUDIES: Grade 5- Review the social studies blog- analyze the questions then agree/disagree and/or extend on each others thinking.  If there are any misconceptions use the blog as a way to help facilitate your learning together.  Each member of the grade 5 community needs to read and evaluate the discussion questions then bump up all responses.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Grade 5- U9L8 #1-5
Grade 6 U9L5 #4-6

Finalize your posters

LOCAL ACTION:  Finalize Research so that we can write up our paragraphs during Writing Workshop

Eric, Hanna, Astin, Coen
use the links below to focus your local action research on plastic bags waste/garbage
Plastic Waste
Plastic Waste 1
Plastic Waste 2
Plastic Bags

Danielle Holden
use the link below to focus your local action research on reducing your carbon footprint
Carbon Footprint
Reduce your Carbon Footprint
David Suzuki
Carbon fund

Monday, November 11, 2013

Remembrance Day assembly today was emotional and a moving experience.  Our school community came together to take a few moments to recognize and be thankful for all of the sacrifices made by the many children, women and men in the past, present and future.

MATH:  Grade 6 U9 L5 #1ab 2 3

Class Google Doc- brainstorm ideas on the topic of Remembrance Day

Grade 6- Finalize your collaborative remembrance day poem on google docs (don't forget to invite me to your googledoc so that I can view and give you feedback on your poem.

Grade 5- Finalize independent remembrance day poem

Finalize your Remembrance Day Poem for Thursday- colour in pencil crayon

Friday, November 8, 2013

All parents/guardians are invited for 10:30 for the Remembrance Day Cermony
We will be honouring our solider with a tribute to our heros
*  Crosses/Post- wear white shirts, dark bottoms
*  Soliders- army colours, dark bottoms
*  Speakers- black

MATH:  U9 L8 # 1-6
                U9 L2 #6-10 Reflect

Class Google Doc- brainstorm ideas on the topic of Remembrance Day

Grade 6- Finalize your collaborative remembrance day poem on google docs (don't forget to invite me to your googledoc so that I can view and give you feedback on your poem.

Grade 5- Finalize independent remembrance day poem

Grade 5- write your second draft for Monday peer edit session

SONG: Listen to the song and practice singing along

Peaceful River  (Bolded parts-Junior Students)

Remembrance Day song (click on link to hear the much)

There is a peaceful river
deep within my soul,
filing my world with hope 
and making my spirit whole.
Peace is the gift I offer,
peace that we all can know 
pass it along and let the river flow.

I've got peace like a river, I've 
got peace like a river.
I've got peace like a river in my soul.

POST CARDS:  finalize post cards and message for Monday Assembly


Thursday, November 7, 2013

MATH:  U9 L6 #5-Reflect
                U9 L4 #8 Reflect

Class Google Doc- brainstorm ideas on the topic of Remembrance Day

Grade 6- Start writing your group poem on Google Docs

Grade 5- Edit 1st Draft you will be given an opportunity to write the second draft and receive feedback on in from a peer

Grade 6- Finalized Biography with pictures and border due in tomorrow

SONG: Listen to the song and practice singing along
Peaceful River  (Bolded parts-Junior Students)

Remembrance Day song (click on link to hear the much)

There is a peaceful river
deep within my soul,
filing my world with hope 
and making my spirit whole.
Peace is the gift I offer,
peace that we all can know 
pass it along and let the river flow.

I've got peace like a river, I've 
got peace like a river.
I've got peace like a river in my soul.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What is a biography?
Using your jot notes on your Canadian War Hero.  Write a biography on your military hero.
Use the link above to help guide your writing.

*  Guiding research ideas
      1.  Birth, Death
      2.  Major life events
      3.  Major/significant event that took place in their military life
      Once you have finalized your research consider the following and answer
      1.  Why do you think he/she is a war hero?
      2.  Describe their contribution they made to Canada

GRADE 6:  During our writing workshop period you gave feedback to a partner-use the feedback and implement into your biography.  Write your final draft, include pictures and other artifact to support your biography paragraph.  

REMEMBRANCE DAY:  Write your first draft of your post card message to a war veteran

VOICETHREAD- Review the Remembrance Day Video and respond and reflect on the message of the video

5- U9 L6 #1-4
6- U9 L4 #6, Entrance Pass

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What is a biography?
Using your jot notes on your Canadian War Hero.  Write a biography on your military hero.
Use the link above to help guide your writing.

*  Guiding research ideas
      1.  Birth, Death
      2.  Major life events
      3.  Major/significant event that took place in their military life
      Once you have finalized your research consider the following and answer
      1.  Why do you think he/she is a war hero?
      2.  Describe their contribution they made to Canada

GRADE 6:  During our writing workshop period you gave feedback to a partner-use the feedback and implement into your biography.  Write your final draft, include pictures and other artifact to support your biography paragraph.  

In preparation for our November field trip- complete your research for your local action (record the website/book that was used and the information that you find useful that relate to your topic)

Add to your research sheet- Finalize your research jot notes

VOICETHREAD- Review the Remembrance Day Video and respond and reflect on the message of the video

5- U9 L7 5- Reflect
6- U9 L4 #1a 2a 3 4

Monday, November 4, 2013

What is a biography?
Using your jot notes on your Canadian War Hero.  Write a biography on your military hero.
Use the link above to help guide your writing.

*  Guiding research ideas
      1.  Birth, Death
      2.  Major life events
      3.  Major/significant event that took place in their military life
      Once you have finalized your research consider the following and answer
      1.  Why do you think he/she is a war hero?
      2.  Describe their contribution they made to Canada

Today in class you were given time to review the success criteria of writing a biography.  Finalize the implementation of your feedback- 2nd draft in due tomorrow

In preparation for our November field trip- complete your research for your local action (record the website/book that was used and the information that you find useful that relate to your topic)

Add to your research sheet- you will finalize your research tomorrow in class

VOICETHREAD- Review the Remembrance Day Video and respond and reflect on the message of the video

5- U9 L7 #1-4

Friday, November 1, 2013

What is a biography?
Using your jot notes on your Canadian War Hero.  Write a biography on your military hero.
Use the link above to help guide your writing.

*  Guiding research ideas
      1.  Birth, Death
      2.  Major life events
      3.  Major/significant event that took place in their military life
      Once you have finalized your research consider the following and answer
      1.  Why do you think he/she is a war hero?
      2.  Describe their contribution they made to Canada

You completed your research in class and was given class time to start your biography now finalize your first draft for Monday.

Measurement-investigating perimeter and area
Grade 5:  U9 L1 #1-6
Grade 6:  U9 L2 #1-5

In preparation for our November field trip- complete your research for your local action (record the website/book that was used and the information that you find useful that relate to your topic)

Dance Journal Entry:
1.  Describe how your group worked as a team while preparing for the dance?
2.  What elements of dance did you work on?
         What  areas did your group focus on?
          Describe your movement related to each area and how it related to the overall movement of the
          dance piece
3.  Describe how your chosen movements helped to convey a message and related to the theme of the music.

Poetry-upload first draft of poems to your kidblog