Monday, December 30, 2013

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Congratulation on an amazing performance your hard work and attention to detail allowed the class to put together a blacklight theatre production that will always be remembered.  

I look forward to a positive and collaborative classroom environment in January where we will be engaged in a variety of learning environments.  

Cool art to try out at home with crayons .
Materials needed include crayons, glue, canvas board and a hair dryer.  Enjoy    :o)

Thank you for all the very generous gifts and warm wishes can wait to see what January brings.

Remember to get lots of rest, eat lots of great food and visit with friends and famil

I will post pictures of the concert within the next week.  

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Tonight is the big performance you have worked extremely hard as a team to collaborate and put together a performance that will inspire others.

See you at 6:15 in Room 301

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

SOCIAL STUDIES: Heritage & Citizenship: Physical Needs and Climate (google doc)
- continue to build upon the ideas based on the guiding questions at home; students will be randomly selected to share his/her responses in-class on Monday.  Students must get the link from their gmail to access the document.
- re-visit the Physical Needs in padlet and share one response to the question.

Social Studies Blog:  Analyze and view the heritage minute video and respond to the big idea question posted

SCIENCE:   Electricity Wiki continue collecting resources (books, articles) for your research focus group and synthesize the information to write jot notes in the wiki page.  Due Monday December 16th.

Summary:  Students have received peer descriptive feedback on their second draft.  Co-construct your third paragraph based on the suggestions provided.  Due Tuesday December 17th. 
Click on the link below for your group summary task:
GOOGLE CONTEST:  " If I could invent anything I would invent...."
*  bump up your first draft, complete the final draft, finalize write up and get the permission form signed by your parents.

Don't forget to look for white gloves for Wednesday's Performance.

DANCERS:  I have uploaded your video to voicethread view it and analyze your success as a team.  

Monday, December 16, 2013

SOCIAL STUDIES: Heritage & Citizenship: Physical Needs and Climate (google doc)
- continue to build upon the ideas based on the guiding questions at home; students will be randomly selected to share his/her responses in-class on Monday.  Students must get the link from their gmail to access the document.
- re-visit the Physical Needs in padlet and share one response to the question.

Social Studies Blog:  Analyze and view the heritage minute video and respond to the big idea question posted

SCIENCE:   Electricity Wiki continue collecting resources (books, articles) for your research focus group and synthesize the information to write jot notes in the wiki page.  Due Monday December 16th.

Summary:  Students have received peer descriptive feedback on their second draft.  Co-construct your third paragraph based on the suggestions provided.  Due Tuesday December 17th. 
Click on the link below for your group summary task:
6- Patterning Entrance Pass (2)

Don't forget to look for white gloves for Wednesday's Performance.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Grade 7 INFO: a green information package focussing on Extended French was sent home earlier this week.  Please complete the form and return to school by the assigned due date.  As more information comes in, students will be asked to share it with parents.  Please check your child's agenda for more information over the next few weeks.

SOCIAL STUDIES: Heritage & Citizenship: Physical Needs and Climate (google doc)
- continue to build upon the ideas based on the guiding questions at home; students will be randomly selected to share his/her responses in-class on Monday.  Students must get the link from their gmail to access the document.
- re-visit the Physical Needs in padlet and share one response to the question.

SCIENCE:   Electricity Wiki continue collecting resources (books, articles) for your research focus group and synthesize the information to write jot notes in the wiki page.  Due Monday December 16th.

Summary:  Students have received peer descriptive feedback on their second draft.  Co-construct your third paragraph based on the suggestions provided.  Due Tuesday December 17th. 
Click on the link below for your group summary task:
5- U1 SWYK #1 2 3 5 6
6- Patterning Entrance Pass

Largest Science Lesson:  "Although this event did not break the world record that we set last year, it was an exciting way for thousands of Canadians to learn about gravity and atmosphere."  (

We are so very proud of our students for participating in this nation-wide opportunity for learning science as a larger community.  Students in action pics. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

SCIENCE:   Electricity Wiki continue collecting resources (books, articles) for your research focus group and synthesize the information to write jot notes in the wiki page. 
Science Debate Preparations:  BioDiversity Wiki continue to collaborate and build your arguments for the Cedarvale Park Development class debate. Sharing your research is due Thursday December 12th.

SUMMARY:  Students have completed the summary graphic organizer and are now co-constructing their first draft of the summary paragraph within the wiki.  Students must use in-class and at-home time effectively to make meaningful contributions to the group writing.  Click on the link below for your group summary task:

Grade 6 Entrance Pass

All students will be performing at the winter concert.  You have been working really hard in your visual arts, music and dance periods creating props, dance movements and choreographing the movements of props over the last week.   

Students moving with the cut-outs will be wearing a long sleeve black shirt, black pants and black socks
Students in the dance section will be wearing white long sleeve shirt, black pants and white socks
Students drumming will be wearing long sleeve black shirt, black pants and black socks

If you are in the dance or drumming sections please look for white gloves

Students in the drumming section use the video below to practice

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

SOCIAL STUDIES:  visit the Physical Needs in padlet and share one response to the question.

SCIENCE:   Electricity Wiki continue collecting resources (books, articles) for your research focus group and synthesize the information to write jot notes in the wiki page. 
Science Debate Preparations:  BioDiversity Wiki continue to collaborate and build your arguments for the Cedarvale Park Development class debate. Sharing your research is due Thursday December 12th.

SUMMARY:  Students have completed the summary graphic organizer and are now co-constructing their first draft of the summary paragraph within the wiki.  Students must use in-class and at-home time effectively to make meaningful contributions to the group writing.  Click on the link below for your group summary task:

Grade 5 U1 L4
Grade 6 U10 L1

All students will be performing

Students moving with the cut-outs will be wearing a long sleeve black shirt, black pants and black socks
Students in the dance section will be wearing white long sleeve shirt, black pants and white socks
Students drumming will be wearing long sleeve black shirt, black pants and black socks

Students in the drumming section use the video below to practice

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

SOCIAL STUDIES:  visit the Physical Needs in padlet and share one response to the question.

SCIENCE:   Electricity Wiki continue collecting resources (books, articles) for your research focus group and synthesize the information to write jot notes in the wiki page. 
Science Debate Preparations:  BioDiversity Wiki continue to collaborate and build your arguments for the Cedarvale Park Development class debate. Sharing your research is due Thursday December 12th.

SUMMARY:  Students have completed the summary graphic organizer and are now co-constructing their first draft of the summary paragraph within the wiki.  Students must use in-class and at-home time effectively to make meaningful contributions to the group writing.  Click on the link below for your group summary task:

MATH: looking at patterning by using divisibility rules: 
Grade 5 U1 L3
Grade 6 U1 L3

All students will be performing

Students moving with the cut-outs will be wearing a long sleeve black shirt, black pants and black socks
Students in the dance section will be wearing white long sleeve shirt, black pants and white socks
Students drumming will be wearing long sleeve black shirt, black pants and black socks

Students in the drumming section use the video below to practice

Monday, December 9, 2013

SCIENCE:   Electricity Wiki continue collecting resources (books, articles) for your research focus group and synthesize the information to write jot notes in the wiki page. 
Science Debate Preparations:  BioDiversity Wiki continue to collaborate and build your arguments for the Cedarvale Park Development class debate. Sharing your research is due Thursday December 12th.

Summary:  Students have completed the summary graphic organizer and are now co-constructing their first draft of the summary paragraph within the wiki.  Students must use in-class and at-home time effectively to make meaningful contributions to the group writing.  Click on the link below for your group summary task:

MATH: looking at patterning by using divisibility rules: 
Grade 5 U1 L3
Grade 6 U1 L3

All students will be performing

Students moving with the cut-outs will be wearing a long sleeve black shirt, black pants and black socks
Students in the dance section will be wearing white long sleeve shirt, black pants and white socks
Students drumming will be wearing long sleeve black shirt, black pants and black socks

Students taking on leadership opportunities to showcase how using online tools enhances their learning experiences.

Friday, December 6, 2013

*  View and analyze the blog videos- respond and evaluate the guiding questions and each others thinking

*  Wiki -  now that you have collected book resources from the library it is time to start the research process on the wiki (use the guiding question to support the research of your energy form)

Grade 5 U1 L1
Grade 6 U1 L2

SUMMARY WRITING:   As a group collaborate and finalize your graphic organizer

BLACKLIGHT THEATRE:  Dance group view the video- try out the choreography and discuss over VT how you would use it.

VOICETHREAD:  View the Nelson Mandela Video and respond to the following:
How might you continue Nelson Mandela message of peace, cooperative and equality?

Have a great weekend :o)
We had a great week of learning and I look forward to another exciting week of growing as learners together.

BTC: Ensure you are going onto the BTC Blog to discuss we create change and finalize your research on the BTC Wiki

Thursday, December 5, 2013

*  View and analyze the blog videos- respond and evaluate the guiding questions and each others thinking

*  Wiki -  now that you have collected book resources from the library it is time to start the research process on the wiki (use the guiding question to support the research of your energy form)

Input and Output Machines

Grade 5 U1 L2 #1-6 Reflect
Grade 6 U1 L1 #1-7 Reflect

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

*  View and analyze the blog videos- respond and evaluate the guiding questions and each others thinking

*  Wiki -  now that you have collected book resources from the library it is time to start the research process on the wiki (use the guiding question to support the research of your energy form)

*  Read and evaluate each other blog post and respond to the biography (compare/contrast)

GRADE 6: Popplet- finalize your literature analysis for Thursday

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

*  View and analyze the blog videos- respond and evaluate the guiding questions and each others thinking

*  Wiki -  now that you have collected book resources from the library it is time to start the research process on the wiki (use the guiding question to support the research of your energy form)

*  Read and evaluate each other blog post and respond to the biography (compare/contrast)

GRADE 6: Popplet- finalize your literature analysis for Thursday

BARNS: Field trip is this Thursday- please bring in all forms by tomorrow

Monday, December 2, 2013

*  View and analyze the blog videos- respond and evaluate the guiding questions and each others thinking

*  Wiki -  collect resources for your Energy Wiki- be prepared to discuss with your group so that you can start the research process tomorrow

*  Read and evaluate each other blog post and respond to the biography (compare/contrast)

Grade 6: Popplet

BARNS: Field trip is this Thursday- please bring in all forms by tomorrow

SWIM:  Tomorrow is our first swim day- bring in all swim gear, a towel
All students are expected to participate.

Friday, November 29, 2013

KIDBLOG:  Upload a draft of one of your poems.  Next go to the blog 2 people below you and give them descriptive feedback use the success criteria as a guide.

SCIENCE BLOG:  Review the videos and respond to guiding questions

*  Work on your popplet on forms of literature
*  timetoast in now past due

CEDARVALE:  research is now past due

Sign into your email account and accept the very first wiki invitation so that you are prepared for Monday's Class.

Have a great weekend :o)

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Tomorrow is our bowling trip, remember to bring a lunch.  All parent volunteers need to be at school for 10:00 am.

Tonight is a Catch Up Night
Using our literature chart- create a popplet showing the relationship between all the elements (
Identify the text features of the following text forms:
*  folktale, fable, myth, legend, fantasy, science fiction, realistic fiction, historical fiction, fictionalized biography, authentic biography, memoir, autobiography

Biography- create a timetoast timeline of your Canadian War Hero- Past Due

VOICETHREAD- Upload your duck poem to VT and give feedback to 3 peers.

KIDBLOG:   Grade 5-Read over a second biography and respond by comparing/constrasting and analyzing the biography.

5- U6 L4 #1-5
6- U6 L2 #7- Reflect

ENERGY:  Sign into your wiki and accept the invitation into your energy science wiki ensure that you only use your first name when asked to give a username

Over the next 5 days collect resources on your form of energy.  So that you can start the research process.  

CEDARVALE DEBATE:  finalize your research for tomorrow